Featured Art: Luminous Leaves


photo of leaves

“Luminous Leaves,” altered photo by Polly Curran, Sarasota Branch (Florida)


Over the past year, Polly Curran stepped out of her comfort zone to explore different techniques, bringing an interesting artistic look to her photography. She investigated the concept of reflectivity and color inversion to see how changes in the natural color bring a new perspective and artistic feeling to an ordinary leaf. The fern leaves featured in Luminous Leaves grow on the trunk of a pindo palm and are shaped differently from normal ground cover ferns. Curran uses these leaves in ikebana arrangements to complete the design.


  1. O ‘Thank You’ “Luminous Leaves,” & Polly Curran of the Sarasota Branch (Florida) …

    ** Sooo proud
    to have become a Pen Woman in Sarasota * ( = a Buddha breath ) in 2002 … .

    Our Cape Cod NLAPW Treasurer appointed me ‘President’ ** not too long ago.


  2. diane says:

    Beautiful insight into the intricacies of nature.
    Have you tried intentional motion photography?
    It is fun and liberating.
    Good work.

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