From Inspiration to Expression
A New, Different Challenge for Arts and Letters Members

By Mary Lou Griffin, Diamond State Branch President

Last November, the Diamond State Branch arts and letters members decided to create a new and challenging project to stimulate members and push creativity for those willing to step out of their comfort zone. This challenge would be different than other joint projects previously done.

The participants didn’t have control over which piece they were required to use as inspiration for a newly created piece of writing or artwork. In addition, the creators of the existing work submitted for this project were not revealed at that time. The Pen Women didn’t know for certain whose piece of writing or painting they would be using for inspiration until the “big reveal” was to be done during the branch March meeting. At that time, members would bring their inspirational pieces, as well as their new works-in-progress to share with the group. It was fun to guess who wrote which piece and who painted which painting (although it was easier to guess the artist than the writer).

How the Challenge Was Structured

Since there are more art than letters members in the branch, letters members wishing to participate in the challenge submitted two titles of existing work no longer than one page in length. The titles were put into a “hat” and participating art members drew the title of a written piece to use as their inspiration for a new painting. It was a blind draw.

Likewise, participating artists submitted one title of an existing painting. The titles were put into a separate “hat.” Each participating letters member drew two artwork titles to use as inspiration for two new pieces of writing. The writing pieces and jpgs of the art were all emailed.

Pen Women who were both art and letters members had the option to participate in either side of the challenge — or take on both. They could use any part of the piece they had drawn for inspiration — the entire piece, one part, or just the title. They were free to choose how to approach the challenge.

The initial idea behind this project was to produce new work and have both the inspirational piece and newly created work hang together in a show. In January, when Becky Stanko from Penn State Great Valley heard of this challenge, she was excited about the premise and offered our Diamond State Branch a show at the Henry Gallery later in the year. She had never heard of the National League of American Pen Women, Inc. before.

This was a great opportunity to showcase our creative women and the national organization in a new venue outside of the Wilmington, Delaware, area. To encourage visitors to read the writings and consider how well the writing and artwork pairs fit together, visitors would be asked to vote for their favorite pair of artwork/writing. We are excited to partner with Penn State Great Valley and to have this exhibition become a reality at this wonderful gallery space.

“From Inspiration to Expression,” 34 pairs of artwork and writing, opened at the Henry Gallery, Penn State Great Valley on Aug. 10, with the exhibition scheduled through Oct. 9.

“Mt. Cuba Conservatory Windows” by Kerin Hearn

Look Through the Windows

Poem by Maria Keane
Inspired by “Mt. Cuba Conservatory Windows,”
a painting by Kerin Hearn (left)

I welcome you
to sit with me awhile
to see how the stained-glass tints
the view from my windows.
Its magic reflects and magnifies
color where my garden flowers flourish:
a resplendent kaleidoscope
revealing the glory of nature


Touched With Fire” by Mary Lou Griffin,
inspired by “Touched With Fire: A Poet’s Prayer” by Jean Hull Herman (right)

Touched With Fire: A Poet’s Prayer

By Jean Hull Herman


If I must be touched with fire, Lord, ignite in me the spirit of lightning!



“Lion Hiding in the Corner” by Mary Lou Griffin

The Almighty “I”

Poem by Jean Hull Herman, inspired by “Lion Hiding in the Corner,” painting by Mary Lou Griffin

You, dogs! You mane-less things that bark!

You whine and whimper and kvetch all day.

Get baths! Get comb-outs! Get yourselves styled.

Have new, perky ears. Tint your nose a dark gray.

Get away from my table. My wall. My air space!

Lounge around me in a circle to show my special place.

Though I’m sure we’ll all be noticed as centuries go by,

Centuries will forget you, but they’ll not forget I.